Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our new Newsletter :)

From today we added the newsletter feature for our blog's subscribers. Now every subscriber will take everyday a newsletter with the new additions in our game neighbor lists. The "subscribe" fature is in the left corner of the page. Have a good gaming to all :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

The start...

Before 10 days we started a blog about cityville. Amazingly we've seen that what the players wanted more was a page to post their request. We created it here:
Because we know that most people play a lot of games and they spend a lot of their time in going to forums everyday and post their request, that's why we created this blog in order to make for the player a page to fulfill all his/hers requests in once!!!

So the only you have to do is going to the game's page (choose from the left corner of the page..) and just post your request. Now you don't have to worry for going everyday in the forums, people who want neighbors will find you -nobody except you will removes you!!!, so simple!!!!

Have a good gaming experience ;)))